(22-04-2019, 10:19 PM)SuBi ☁ Wrote: - Cells is important, Everything else is just addons to bring the prison feel. Pools, Disco, Kitchen, etc, etc are all things that add realism to the map, and add new elements to it for games and other things to play... The Ds style is about this actual prison feel instead of other servers that may have maps that are just open areas with a cluster of different map games.
- Should just use other maps as references. This isnt a button freeze server so ts are alot harder to control in times and your map size needs to accommodate this.
Generally maps like blackops, revo, seaside, etc are liked because of there open areas that give the cts room to have distance and height but also give ts room to move more freely around in. But then again, not all maps need to follow the same design.
- Up to you, but posting in discord "mapping and development" channel is probably the place more people will see it.
Thanks Subi, I'll take this into consideration, I'll definitely be using my favourite maps as ideas.
(22-04-2019, 10:07 PM)ayble Wrote: Goodluck in your endeavours of learning Hammer. I recommend you watch 3kliksphilips tutorials on some basics. Personally, i'm very complusive and impatient so after 3 days of non-stop grinding i burnt myself out. If you build a time-slot schedule similar to how you'd study at school, it can make the learning process much easier.Thanks for the support and tips Ayble, I've already watched a dozen 3kliksphilip tutorials and I'll will try my hardest to make the map as best as it can be.
(23-04-2019, 09:51 AM)ONIONZZZ Wrote: LOL ivork I like how you started at 11 hours :eyes: supermax F
I'd also like to ask, WTF is supermax! People talk about it a lot, but i haven't seen it in the map pool. But i have been informed that it was a failed map because it was too small (correct me if i'm wrong)
Lord Rebeller