no one is playing this anymore
Shoutbox archive
kiwi idk why youre worrying when the server literally has 0 players at all times
Even though the server is dead I still want to play it badly I love this server to much to let it go
out of my 1500 hours on csgo 1300 of them have been spent on jailbreak tell me why someone who loves to play this server more then the actual game threaten to intentionally dox someone after receiving punishments like this before
Bro I already know how serious doxing is any how serious people take it on the server so tell me why would I go out of my way to dox someone or threaten to seriously I love playing this server seriously the doxes I did when I was younger is when I was stupid I wouldnt intentionally try to dox someone or threaten to dox someone plus I had problems controlling my anger before but im on pills so it helps me control my anger
it only says four because it was a precaution me and chiswell had a discussion about it wink even admitted it was him that did it but chiswell never removed the ban from my account
I didnt dox 4 times I only doxed 3 times the same as somebody else on the server but they get to play and I dont seems a little biased in my opinon
28/06/22, 9:36 pm I literally got unbanned after this check when I logged back in I logged in the day after