07-12-2019, 08:18 PM
Ok B+,
Let me get you acquainted with the rule in question here may i please direct you to the jailbreak rules linked here
As seen in our rules you can find the following:
Rule 13 which states:
This is a Very self explainitory rule from my perspective, but I guess i will have to explain it to you a little better...
A Mass freekill is any instance in which a Counter Terrorist intentionally damages Non-rebelling T's in attempt to Freekill in a Non-discriminant manner.
You (The Rulebreaker) can and will be punished for executing or attempting to execute a Mass Freekill.
Now to determine if a player is to be punished or not an admin needs a few pieces of context before convicting a player of a rulebreak these are Context and Intention.
Now ill provide a clip of the round in which I've CTbanned you for context below:
If you would like to see rounds prior to this clip I'd like to direct you to our demo's archive here
In which you will need to find the Server 1 demo which orrered at the following time/date 2019/12/06 20:25:54
Map is Industry.
As seen in the clip B+ is clearly agitated about the previous rounds failure due to mic spammers ( who have been subsequently muted for respective periods of time.)
You start the round off by announcing to the server that "Now I'm actually going to Massy them..." before arriving to the first cell and indiscriminately shooting into the cell before being interrupted by a fellow CT informing you of admin presence on the server (Osama) who had been called to attend due to the chaos that had been occurring in the previous rounds. At this point you stop shooting and continue back to the warden tower to progress the round. Unbeknownst to you I at this point told Osama to log offline as I had already seen your intents to want to Mass Freekill the server but you would not with Admin presence. Once Osama had logged off Gracious informed you he had left and you prepared yourself to Mass freekill.
Now We have the context needed.
You ordered T's into the pit and they followed. You then begun to shoot into the crowd of T's in an attempt to kill as many as possible. I held back and waited to see if you would finish the job considering you had not killed a single T (Very poor Massy). You reloaded your AK and proceeded to continue shooting into the crowd. If intent had not been secured before with your announcement or blatant attempt to freekill in cells it was surely gained now.
At this point I Banned you per procedure for 14 days.
I hope this clears things up.
In closing per the rules above
It is not your place to punish players or the server in any way. Should you have waited we had already organised staff presence to clean up players intentionally disrupting the round.
Further rulebreaks once your CTban expires will result in ever increased bans.
And finally as the Late IVORK would say
"Massfreekill bbans like your are neither removed nor reduced. Please wait out the remained of your ban"