31-10-2020, 10:27 AM
Name: def
SteamID or Discord ID: def #8771
Type of Ban: Discord
Which Server?: Discord
Why were you banned?: Pinging admins for no reason
Why should you be unbanned?: At the time of the ban I was heavily influenced by the staff team members who were pinging staff for no reason. I thought that at the time it was a good idea to join in on this "funny" prank. Shortly after I got banned and realized that it was not a "funny" prank but I realized that it was childish and immature. I was banned 2 months ago and in that time I have been learning, expanding my mind, trying new things and I've completely changed the way I act. I have come to a point serenity. I believe that I'm ready to be a part of the community again. Thank you.
SteamID or Discord ID: def #8771
Type of Ban: Discord
Which Server?: Discord
Why were you banned?: Pinging admins for no reason
Why should you be unbanned?: At the time of the ban I was heavily influenced by the staff team members who were pinging staff for no reason. I thought that at the time it was a good idea to join in on this "funny" prank. Shortly after I got banned and realized that it was not a "funny" prank but I realized that it was childish and immature. I was banned 2 months ago and in that time I have been learning, expanding my mind, trying new things and I've completely changed the way I act. I have come to a point serenity. I believe that I'm ready to be a part of the community again. Thank you.