Name: harry.
Server or CTBan: CTBan
Why were you banned?: i was server banned for using some kinda hacks and seems that i must of been banned from ct too. the hack that i was using was called lumi hook i have been unbanned for the past 2 or 3 months. *edit* 7th CTBAN , multipile freekilling + ban evading STEAM_1:1:487623415 (sorry about that) i have been banned for 6 months now.
Why should you be unbanned?: i used hacks which had nothing to do with ct's so i feel that i should be unbanned for that reason.
Server or CTBan: CTBan
Why were you banned?: i was server banned for using some kinda hacks and seems that i must of been banned from ct too. the hack that i was using was called lumi hook i have been unbanned for the past 2 or 3 months. *edit* 7th CTBAN , multipile freekilling + ban evading STEAM_1:1:487623415 (sorry about that) i have been banned for 6 months now.
Why should you be unbanned?: i used hacks which had nothing to do with ct's so i feel that i should be unbanned for that reason.