SteamID2 - 76561198125910177
Server or CTban: Server
Which Server: JB1
Reason for the ban: " Duplicate Account "
Banning admin: PANEL
Why should you be unbanned: Im not to sure what the reasoning for the ban is other than something to do with IP. I have a family member that also plays on the same computer in the same house on the same IP address. I play alot on these servers and have never been muted, banned , gagged , kicked etc. I am not quite sure how you guys go about these bans but it doesnt surprise me if these are a regular occurrence.
I would really appreciate it if i was unbanned or investigated for this manner.
Kind Regards - TOASTY
SteamID2 - 76561198125910177
Server or CTban: Server
Which Server: JB1
Reason for the ban: " Duplicate Account "
Banning admin: PANEL
Why should you be unbanned: Im not to sure what the reasoning for the ban is other than something to do with IP. I have a family member that also plays on the same computer in the same house on the same IP address. I play alot on these servers and have never been muted, banned , gagged , kicked etc. I am not quite sure how you guys go about these bans but it doesnt surprise me if these are a regular occurrence.
I would really appreciate it if i was unbanned or investigated for this manner.
Kind Regards - TOASTY