Oceanic Servers
Why am I source banned? - Printable Version

+- Oceanic Servers (https://forums.oceservers.com)
+-- Forum: Ban and Unban Requests (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12)
+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Why am I source banned? (/showthread.php?tid=718)

Why am I source banned? - Nufty2 - 17-02-2019


Steam ID:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198913340445/

Sourcebans or CTban:Sourceban

Which Server (e.g JB1): NB1

Reason for the ban:I don't even know

Banning admin: I don't even know

Why should you be unbanned: Im so confused

RE: Why am I source banned? - Dildo - 17-02-2019

Hey Nufty,

This looks like an error on our end, are you able to join Discord so we can confirm your identity real quick? Cheers.
