Oceanic Servers
Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - aplicix - 16-02-2019

Name: Aplicix

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62197638 ///  [font=Menlo, Monaco, Consolas,]h[/font]ttp://steamcommunity.com/id/Aplicix

Sourcebans or CTban: CTban

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB2

Reason for the ban: "Playing a banned game. Second time"

Banning admin: Crimson

Why should you be unbanned: I do not recall playing a banned game a second time and 14 days is a little harsh for that if I did. If I did play a banned game, I'm truely sorry and will try not to make a bad mistake like that in the future. I would greatly appreciate it if you reduce/accept my ban request. Thanks, Aplicix  

RE: Unban Request - Crimson - 16-02-2019

Hi Aplicix

The reason you where banned was because you did open days multiple times on a single map.
As you are well aware doing more than one open day is banned.


RE: Unban Request - Jas8621 - 16-02-2019

So keeping in mind your hours and knowedge of the server and your previous CTban history and your tendancy to encourage rulebreaking as a whole I will be Reducing your request today.
On its own what you did was not strictly a warday specifically but you did perform open days multiple rounds in a row with a reasonable player count online. You know better then this.
You have already served 6 days if the ban and i will reduce the ban to a week leaving one more day remaning if you play on continuing to play CT ensure your playing the gamemode the way it is intended to be played.