Oceanic Servers
4 kills equall 1 month and 3 days of ct ban? - Printable Version

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4 kills equall 1 month and 3 days of ct ban? - Nufty2 - 16-02-2019


Steam ID:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198913340445/

Sourcebans or CTban: ct

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB2

Reason for the ban: Massy ( 4 kills)

Banning admin: I don't even know.

Why should you be unbanned: well sorry for my misunderstanding isn't a massy like 10+ kills or something??? And second of all the people I killed we fucking annoying as shot tbh they never go ct and then a they call me a dud and everyone else, like come on. I couldn't really hold back, and I get banned for a month and 1 day. Like come on.

RE: 4 kills equall 1 month and 3 days of ct ban? - MaX-PaiN#Nice - 16-02-2019

Greetings Nufty.

You were banned for mass freekilling.

Mass freekilling includes intentionally attempting to commit a massy. It does not matter how many people you killed, only that you had malicious intentions to do so. 

As such, your request is DENIED.

Please wait out the duration of your ban.