Oceanic Servers
spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - Printable Version

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spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - 147Calboy - 16-02-2019

this some bullshit. needs to be a rule or something so that every free day on maps plentiful with smokes, t's cant just camp in there and delay the round.

RE: spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - Hayley - 16-02-2019

admin team will get right on that sir, very important.

RE: spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub - 16-02-2019

thats a stupid rule you probably got smoked on a open day and now think all smokes need to be banned

RE: spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - aplicix - 16-02-2019

You are just salty that you’re bad and can’t smoke anyone without being smoked

RE: spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - IVORK - 16-02-2019


While it can be annoying, it isn't actually impacting the time as the initial openday is purely to let players download the map, load in, and check the map out. CTs are still expected to end it with a reasonable amount of time, and getting guns via gunroom is not a requirement.

Enforcing a rule like this would be messy, and ultimately provide little to no gain for the effort of policing it.

RE: spamming smokes in gunroom on a freeday - aplicix - 16-02-2019

It’s ez credits so don’t complain