Oceanic Servers
My final farewell - Printable Version

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My final farewell - sinth - 03-10-2023

Dear Ocenic Severs
It is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell message to all of you. Over the years, this gaming community has become more than just a group of individuals who share a common interest; it has become a second home, a place where I've made incredible friendships, and a source of countless memorable moments.
As I move on to new adventures and responsibilities in my life, I must bid you all farewell. This decision was not made lightly, and it comes with a heavy heart. I will always cherish the time we spent together, the victories we celebrated, and the challenges we faced as a team.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for the support, camaraderie, and fun we've shared. It's been an incredible journey, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share it with. From late-night gaming sessions to the laughter we shared in voice chats, these memories will always hold a special place in my heart.
Even though I may be leaving the gaming community, please know that I'm not saying goodbye to our friendships. I hope to keep in touch with as many of you as possible, whether it's through occasional gaming sessions, social media, or other means. The bonds we've formed are not easily broken, and I look forward to catching up with all of you in the future.
As I step away from this chapter of my life, I want to encourage all of you to continue pursuing your passions and enjoying the gaming world to its fullest. Cherish the moments you have together, welcome newcomers with open arms, and always strive to create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.
Thank you once again for being a part of this incredible journey. Farewell for now, but not farewell forever. I'll carry the memories of our time together with me, and I look forward to crossing paths with you all again someday.
Keep gaming, keep thriving, and keep being the amazing community that you are.
With warm regards and heartfelt gratitude,


RE: My final farewell - deeznuts13071 - 03-10-2023

No, no, no, no
I still see your shadows in my room
Can't take back the love that I gave you
It's to the point where I love and I hate you
And I cannot change you, so I must replace you (oh)
Easier said than done
I thought you were the one
Listening to my heart instead of my head
You found another one, but
I am the better one
I won't let you forget me
I still see your shadows in my room
Can't take back the love that I gave you
It's to the point where I love and I hate you
And I cannot change you so I must replace you (oh)
Easier said than done
I thought you were the one
Listening to my heart instead of my head
You found another one, but
I am the better one
I won't let you forget me

RE: My final farewell - Aj - 03-10-2023

thank god

RE: My final farewell - kizzle - 04-10-2023

Took long enough dont come back Smile

RE: My final farewell - Clean - 04-10-2023

chat is this real

RE: My final farewell - addison rae - 04-10-2023

no way the two vips are the only ones mad at this
crazy how you pipe up when you get your smoke grenade and taser boost

RE: My final farewell - Aj - 04-10-2023

you dad beats your mum, enjoy foster care