Oceanic Servers
Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Printable Version

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Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Raymond - 17-04-2023

Name: Raymond - Bail Application

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:17221775

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: No Reason

Why should you be bailed?: I wish to seek bail pending my unban request being finalised. This false and political ban has stood for to long without action. Even that the admin team claims that I have not responded I would like to make the points that I have made multiple attempts to get into contact for discussion and the admin team has made two, one being at 2am AEST. Until this matter is resolved, in fairness and to keep OS from falling into disrepute in this matter, bail must be approved!

As this is a complicated matter, in reviewing the application for bail I would ask the appointed admin making the decision to consider the wise words of Roman history of 'In dubio pro reo'

* Please refer to the link below for the pending unban request at **.
* I would seek an alternative reply-er the 'Admin Moose', his unprofessional, immature and slippery comments are not welcome in anyway and has made me loose confidence in his as a whole.
* I have stolen the use of colour ideas from former Admin DrKittens unban request.

RE: Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Moose. - 17-04-2023

Nah, I'll reply.

As mentioned before


We have contacted you to discuss this in a call however you have not responded. To progress this request this will need to happen."

Following up in house to see what the go is also regarding reaching out to you.

RE: Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Raymond - 18-04-2023

Thank for your hostile reply with your backup on your crusade to support injustice.

If you could explain who 'we' is that would be helpful, 'we' is a weasels word much like yourself, as to date, you have made no contact yourself.

Also imagine actually being the deliberate lying NPC who when discussing contact attempts and being told 'two, one being at 2am AEST' and then replying 'We have contacted you to discuss this in a call however you have not responded. To progress this request this will need to happen.' This is not the sort of person anyone would want to be, or be around in anyway in-case this special-ed behaviour was transmissible.

RE: Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Goose - 18-04-2023

Hello Raymond.

We are currently discussing your situation after your conversation last night. Sorry for the delay in handling the situation.

I'll keep this open if you want to respond further

RE: Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Raymond - 22-04-2023

On day 53 of this unresolved unban request and 104 of this totally unprovoked ban it is important to explain the motivation by the disgruntled former unwanted bullied admin who has alleged these lies.

The motivation by this admin who was responsible for 40% of all complaints, let alone composing less then 5% of the actual admin team has lodged this attack for one reason, and one reason only.
It is completely upset by myself discharging duties as an elected officer of the Players Union (PU) operating within the PU charter and motions put forward by its members.

There has been no evidence of any rule being broken on a clear political opponent. Others on the admin team should be disgusted with themselves for standing by and not drawing a line in the sand to protect there own positions like sycophants. The brief history below clearly shows a simple story. If you still stand idle after reading that, at best you are fainéant, but more likely a coward.
* volunteers for power > bullies with those powers > gets some flax back rightfully > quits like a little girl > bans his opposition on the way out.

As I started with some great Latin words from a famous Roman general, let me end on some famous Latin words, by no other then Jesus Christ himself as told by John 8:32 and that's hard to disagree with.
Veritas vos liberabit - "The truth will set you free"

RE: Raymond (STEAM_1:1:17221775) | Bail Application - Goose - 22-04-2023

Hey Raymond.

Sorry for the delay once again. Following your discussion with our staff team, we have decided to unban you from the server and discord on the condition that the website used by you to spread potentially harmful content is not brought back up again. Please note that there was no error in the ban, and that it was warranted.

You know the consequences for further incidents, so we trust in your ability to restrain yourself in the matter. I very much enjoyed reading another one of your colourful posts, so thank you for that

Accepted. Closed
