Oceanic Servers
Paralysinn (STEAM_1:1:649429701) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Paralysinn (STEAM_1:1:649429701) | Unban Request - Paralysinn - 01-06-2022

Name: Paralysinn

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:649429701

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Talked to Boink about it. Was settings off Bhop alerts throughout the week without knowing it was on... (I use a menu for skinchanges on community servers, for skins... I was using a default config as I dont know much about cheating it auto enabled bhop at a 50% chance of working.

Why should you be unbanned?: I think I should be given a chance as I actually gave interest in this server and was slowly getting the hang of maps/games AND was so close to being a ct Sad. I told boink i wont use the menu again for anything including skins to reduce the risk of another perm ban. Thanks dads, Im sorry and i hope i get accepted

RE: Paralysinn (STEAM_1:1:649429701) | Unban Request - zackie - 01-06-2022

Hey Paralysinn, 

As you discussed in multiple different staff member's DMs you were without a shadow of a doubt caught cheating on the server and we do not tolerate cheating on our servers, and what we also don't tolerate in Unban Requests is lying. The first request you made said the following:

Quote:Why were you banned?: It says I was banned for cheating. I dont know if it was because I have a low trust factor or maybe I was setting off alerts? Hence why i was banned when asleep. I was playing with 3 people, Ryuk being one of them so maybe he could vouch i was cheating idk

Why should you be unbanned?: I want to be unbanned because I rlly do enjoy playing the server and I legit wasnt cheating. Theres no reason for me to cheat on jailbreak as it defeats the purpose/fun of it. You can also read my chat logs of asking for help on how to do stuff in the game to better myself... I generally show interest in this server

You then deleted that thread to make a new one after being proven wrong by a few different staff members. We would appreciate your honesty as it shows that you really do deserve to be unbanned. 

You were also found to be ban evading this ban a few hours later in the day.

[Image: unknown.png]

As I have already stated before we don't tolerate any form of cheats (even if they're just cosmetics like skin changers etc) nor do we tolerate evading our bans. This being said, if you attempt to evade this ban any further you will have a much harder time appealing in the future. You may re-appeal this ban on 1/08/22. 


p.s Use !ws for skins... no need for hax. 


RE: Paralysinn (STEAM_1:1:649429701) | Unban Request - chiswell - 01-06-2022

Looking at our jump stats config you cheated. Nuff said

You wont be getting unbanned at all earlier than 01/08/22 if your lucky to be accepted when you reappeal.