Oceanic Servers
Wink (wnk#0009) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wink (wnk#0009) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=4249)

Wink (wnk#0009) | Unban Request - Wink № - 29-05-2022

Name: Wink

SteamID or Discord ID: wnk#0009

Type of Ban: Discord

Which Server?: Discord

Why were you banned?: Some BS reason that isn't listed in the rules.

Why should you be unbanned?: No were in the rules says i cant raid other discord servers? FutureGN has no relevance to oceanic jailbreak therefore I shouldn't be banned.. I didnt do anything to affect oceanic serves therefore this ban is bullshit and raiding OTHER discord servers isn't bannable on oceanic servers.. This is such ass unban me wnk#0009

RE: Wink (wnk#0009) | Unban Request - chiswell - 29-05-2022

You doing shit from our community to their community affects our relationship with their community, its pretty common fucking sense.

You think joining on an alt will stop me from finding out as well?

You and Autoclicking are shit stains to this community you will stay banned for 2 months IF and only IF you can behave whilst being banned.

Joining other communities discords and spam posting porn, fuck off with that shit.