Oceanic Servers
DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - DrKittens - 14-04-2022

Name: DrKittens

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:48238613

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: I was banned for accidentally doxing a player's real name. This occured during a time where two other players had recently been perm-banned for similar incidents and a joke was made which inadvertently revealed they/theirs real name.

Why should you be unbanned?: I have apologised to the player who had thier name revealed, they/them accepted my apology last year when the banning occured. I have waited four months before appealing this ban, as I believe that I was completely at fault for the incident and should accept the punishment as it was given. I have also reflected upon my actions, knowing know that although it was said in the context of a joke, and it wasn't intentional, something involving a real-players name is NEVER A JOKE.

I believe my current ban of four months is enough time-served on good behaviour for the admins to make a fair judgement in this case, your honour.

I am of a firm belief that it's time re-join and give back to the OS community, as I believe my knowlegde as a mapper and a long-serving community member would be welcomed back in the community. I have also not posted garbage content in the shout-box since my banning, nor have I evaded the ban or attempted to involve myself in any unecessary drama. My previous actions in the community led me to a well-deserved ban, I now wish to re-join and make amends. I have also been informed that permanent VIP is being kept, so I would also like to enjoy my well-deserved membership to the community.

Thank you for your consideration, I will end this post with an inspriation quote that has got me through the past few months in solitude. 

"Heroes didn't leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an outstretched hand; they moderated Domination Oceanic Servers" - George Washington, 1772.

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - kizzle - 14-04-2022

+1 this man does nothing but bring joy to the server, the man inspired me to be better for a time. He has wardened some of the best rounds Ive played and the fact he was patient enough to wait 4 months until doing this unban request is a testament to reformation

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - Pedro - 14-04-2022

+1 Accountant, massy ween winner, ex staff member, indigenous representative, history buff and most importantly; a man, not a boy. Over the past couple of months I have done nothing but think about how DrKittens has been banned for such a ludicrously long time and the inspiration he has provided by avoiding being a further menace to jailbreak society through ban evading like so many of those permanently banned degenerates do. It seems ridiculous to have such a pivotal monument in the foundation of DS/OS history, banished from the community he formerly administrated and actively promoted. I would like to end this +1 recommendation with a quote from my favourite historical figure Billy Harrington

"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. - Sun Tzu" - Billy Harrington 1865 (shortly after signing the declaration of independence abolishing legislation toward anti wrestling laws amongst hot sweaty men (2020))

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - Slicer - 15-04-2022

-1 man-child looking for attention.

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - jethro - 16-04-2022

DrKittens is a real one +1

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - Crycelia - 17-04-2022

He will double the current active mappers counts :0 . Unban so I can get the motivation to fix maps!!!

RE: DrKittens (STEAM_1:0:48238613) | Unban Request - chiswell - 18-04-2022

Typically when you are banned for longer than 2 months in the T & Cs of vip, it gets removed. However to turn over a new leaf and give you a second chance to not feed unnecessary drama for no reason, we will not remove your VIP.

You have done a lot for both the staff team and community especially with your maps. I’ve also spoken to the aggrieved party whom you did dox and he is fine for you to be unbanned.

Just don’t fuck around with IRL names theres no need for the headache for the players, staff and yourself. Especially as I know you wouldn’t take kindly to being doxxed yourself even job/first name etc.
