Oceanic Servers
Homeless Man On Red Carpet (Previously Lucasso) (STEAM_1:1:521292236) | Unban Re - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Homeless Man On Red Carpet (Previously Lucasso) (STEAM_1:1:521292236) | Unban Re (/showthread.php?tid=4143)

Homeless Man On Red Carpet (Previously Lucasso) (STEAM_1:1:521292236) | Unban Re - Lucasso - 31-03-2022

Name: Homeless Man On Red Carpet (Previously Lucasso)

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:521292236

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: My brother is banned and we under the same ip Sad

Why should you be unbanned?: i have been banned and unbanned multiple times in the past for this and it has been proven that we are two different people

RE: Homeless Man On Red Carpet (Previously Lucasso) (STEAM_1:1:521292236) | Unban Re - zackie - 31-03-2022


