Oceanic Servers
Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Kiwi likes to get Naughty - 27-02-2022

Name: Autoclicking

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:567719229

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: I was banned for doxxing chiswell shoutbox spam and toxicity

Why should you be unbanned?: I really believe that I have changed over the past month and having this ban made me realise how much of an idiot I was being and I just would like to first off apologise for my actions last time I should of never fired back it was a hot day and I was very heated at the smallest of things and Im very sorry for that if you give me this chance to get back onto jailbreak I would like to prove myself of being a better and non retarded person on the server I am very sorry for doxxing you chiswell although I never saw the clip its the staff teams word against mine and I have to abide by those rules even without having a say I am very sorry for what I have done in the past month or 2 and I do feel like in myself that I have changed over these few months and became a better non annoying person im very sorry for the toxicity that I had put into the shoutbox and towards staff members. Sincerely, Autoclicking

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - chiswell - 02-03-2022

The problem is, you still deny even doxing me, still asking for a clip. Still spamming the shout box,

but you have changed? Oh but you were toxic cause it was a hot day? What so in winter if its too cold you gonna cause issues as well?

I dont see the benefit of unbanning you for a couple of reasons;

- you cause issues on the server
- are EXTREMELY toxic (banter is fine but you dont banter)
- you are impatient as fuck
- you claim that you dont know my information (like good buddy wink) but when i confronted Wink with the how he has doxxed he at first believed it and then didnt believe he doxed me just like you dont believe you have doxxed me.

I dont try to hide my private life but i dont advertise it either, the fact you have gone out of your way for information on me is a bit concerning.

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Kiwi likes to get Naughty - 02-03-2022

Im not really sure if this is the right reply box, I know im a nuisance on the server but that was before my friends had started playing and the fact that im banned and they're consistently playing now I feel left out
I can be extrememly toxic yes but thats because I sometimes dont understand the conversation and i think everything is directed at me cause most people on the server dislike me Yes I am a little bit impatient I will agree, I do not know any of your information I promise you im not joking I dont know you at all maybe someone said something about you in the past I really cant remember but I have no idea about your private or social life especially on the server Im not denying the dox I just wanna see what I did because it gives me a refresh of my memory so I can remember it cause its hard to just remember these things when so much happens on the server every day and the day that I was toxic it was very hot where I was from and I dont know if you know this but Heat/Hotness of weather actually increases peoples attention spans for people so when everyone was firing at me I thought it was like directly toxic and targeted at me, it was like 38 degrees or something im not saying that I dont cause problems im saying that, I was tired and the heat doesnt make anything better but I promise you chiswell like i swear I dont know your information maybe I did and now I forgot but right now I have no idea about your private life, Im sorry I didnt know why I did it because im assuming I did dox you because obviously im banned for it but I just want like a refresh of my memory to see if I can remember that day. Sorry for any inconvenience with replies and impatience. I wouldnt go out of my way to find information about you I dont know you and personally I dont think I have enough time to do those types of things I agree the last time I was spamming the shoutbox but I have refrained from repeating those types of things and old ways I have come to realise that what I had and was doing in the past on the server wasnt right like banter is ok but what I was doing wasnt ok just being straight toxic and being loud and stuff like that but I have changed my ways from my old self, well I believe that but I guess its up to you to make that decision. Sinecerely Autoclicking

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Badank Badang - 02-03-2022

Chiswell basically denied your request and you replied before he could close the thread so, ...

Stay Banned.


RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Kiwi likes to get Naughty - 02-03-2022

Are you even staff Badank? Anymore? Im confused he didnt say it was denied though I thought he was asking for a response to the reasons of my actions and stuff so I was explaining also how do I show my way of improving my actions if I cant get back onto the server? What do I do now?

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - yert - 02-03-2022

Be loud and proud brother. 
Say it with me now “I doxxed chiswell because i thought it was funny!”

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - Kiwi likes to get Naughty - 02-03-2022

Yert i doxxed him yes but i can’t remember it that’s the only reason I’m asking because i can’t remember what happened or what i did so what do you want me to say i never doxxed him i can’t remember if i did but he said i did so i have to abide by it so yes i did dox chiswell yert but I’m not proud of it although i can’t remember if it’s clipped then there’s proof. I just want chiswell to know that I’m sorry and i realised now the mistake i have made and i want a chance to change that so it never happens again to anybody

RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - IVORK - 02-03-2022

(02-03-2022, 03:12 PM)Badank Badang Wrote: Chiswell basically denied your request and you replied before he could close the thread so, ...

Stay Banned.


RE: Autoclicking (STEAM_1:0:567719229) | Unban Request - chiswell - 02-03-2022

You just done a full 180 and now are saying you doxed me but you arent 100% sure? The fuck you mean? You either know when you dox or when you dont dox, considering theres been a clip sent of it you did very clearly dox but in so much denial that you dont realise it. I left it open for your response.

Ive seen your response and theres too much flipping and flopping with your story.


Dont appeal until 2 months time