Oceanic Servers
Autoclicking (Nigel#7999) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Autoclicking (Nigel#7999) | Unban Request - Kiwi likes to get Naughty - 26-12-2021

Name: Autoclicking

SteamID or Discord ID: Nigel#7999

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Wow chiswell you showed a staff member a dox that apprently I did yet you wont show me a dox that I dont believe I did cause why would I randomly dox you like seriously why the fuck would I want to dox you randomly out of nowhere I dont speak about you on the server unless someone brings you up, so uh yeah and also send me the fucking clips I wanna see this so called "dox" because I dont believe you, you wont send me the clips and I want hard fucking evidence, of this so called "dox"

Why should you be unbanned?: Send me the fucking clips unblock me on discord you nigga, and send me the fucking clips becuase I dont believe you for one second that I randomly doxxed you when I wasnt even online, so yeah chiswell send me the clips otherwise I know your lying and this is fake, and that you just wanted me and wink off the server, as im sure alot of people would want but yes I dont fucking believe you one bit, send the clips uncut unedited now.

Send me the fucking clips you degen, holy shit you wont show me the clips of a dox that I apparently did when I wasnt on the server you fucking dumb cunt, send me the clips un edited uncut completely clean.

RE: Autoclicking (Nigel#7999) | Unban Request - boink - 27-12-2021


I watched the clip and confirmed it with the demo that you doxed his name over mic.

Per previous posts, re appeal in a months time, thanks.