Oceanic Servers
Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? (/showthread.php?tid=385)

Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? - h0wLz - 26-10-2018

So, my main account which I always use on these servers has been permanently banned, 'gamer time'. 

I don't know if it's a glitch or not, but I obviously don't hack. I don't even think I had anything malicious open at the time (well I might of but it wasn't hacks)
Reading the ban, it says I was convicted by the console. However, the reason is a bunch of jibberish, which doesn't help the situation.
There are no demos, but I was bhopping around (which is a function on the server), before being kicked for no reason.
I hope we can resolve this situation, or someone can at least explain to me why I was banned permanently (and why my brother's account 'not bad' was banned as well)
I'd be happy to have a private conversation with an admin. I believe I have been wrongly accused and banned, and I'm not happy. I like to think I have a clean slate on this server.
If it is of any help, I bhop in an unorthodox way by rapidly spamming the scroll wheel, if that has anything to do with it.

Cheers  Undecided

RE: Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? - IVORK - 26-10-2018

G'day, the account was automatically banned as you were somehow bhopping with only 1 command per jump and getting a >92% success rate in doing so. This plugin has been used on our servers for over 4 years and never had false-positives with obvious stats like yours. They indicate some form of injected bhop hack.

RE: Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? - h0wLz - 26-10-2018

thanks for the quick response, ivork. im sorry for my crappy reply, im on a phone.
i understand the reason for my ban now, but i still stand by my innocence. there was only one command per jump because i was using mouse3 to hop at the time (i usually spam scroll wheel but i started hitting some good hops with mouse3 so i just kept going). does it have a record of how long i was doing it for? because sometimes i may get really far and accurate in my hops for a short period of time. can you please reevaluate for me? as an admin surely there is some kind of demo or log you can view, right? i will literally show you ny computers files or send you a mousecam or something. i just really want to be able to play this server again, its like the only thing i do in csgo, and domination servers is the only jailbreak in australia. although i am desperate, i understand if you are unable to (or dont want to).

RE: Can someone be kind enough to tell me why my account was banned? - IVORK - 26-10-2018

Unfortunately 1 command per jump is not scroll. And it it literally impossible to get a 90% bhop ratio with only a single button press each jump.

Reapply in no less than 1 month.


To discuss your "brother's" ban, please either contact me via steam / discord during a time where you are both online.