Oceanic Servers
device (jw#3352) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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device (jw#3352) | Unban Request - device (2) - 05-09-2021

Name: device

SteamID or Discord ID: jw#3352

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: the use of bhop scripts/scripting

Why should you be unbanned?: I have dealt with the long ban and which to experience the well know 'jailbreak' i will never use any scripting tools ever again.

RE: device (jw#3352) | Unban Request - gean - 05-09-2021

evening device,

as you would know, we don't take cheating lightly on our server, you also have a long record of trying to ban evade, thus I am going to deny this request and ask u to reapply in 2 months time, with a clean slate without any ban evading.