Oceanic Servers
Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request (/showthread.php?tid=3536)

Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - ✪ sp0oky_craigy - 23-07-2021

Name: Kingy

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:101086221

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Time of incident: 2:30pm nzt 23/07/2021

Reason for the ban: Int freekill

Evidence: https://youtu.be/GWigy62d0fs

RE: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - smuc - 23-07-2021

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VgkMSZI9W0  this you?

RE: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - ✪ sp0oky_craigy - 23-07-2021

(23-07-2021, 02:04 PM)smucc Wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VgkMSZI9W0  this you?

yes it is smucc that is me well spotted although my actions are wrong and while if a admin was online i would have been slayed i would like to present this ban request https://forums.dominationservers.com/showthread.php?tid=3424 in wich i kill a ct illegally during an lr and in the following round that ct then freekills me intentionally like kingy killed me today, this shows that regardless of the ts action the cts do not have the right to take admining into there own hands and enfource the rules, theres a reason admins must go through training and an aplication process to enfource the rules.

RE: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - smuc - 23-07-2021

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVguCw7X1hE kys faggot

RE: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - ✪ sp0oky_craigy - 23-07-2021

(23-07-2021, 02:22 PM)smucc Wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVguCw7X1hE kys faggot

smucc this is in no way related to the subject of this post and please your, 18 keep personal attacks out of this it makes you look really imature

RE: Kingy (STEAM_1:0:101086221) | Ban Request - zackie - 23-07-2021

Hello Craigy, based on your provided evidence I have CTbanned Kingy for Intentional Freekill

Please contact one of these operators for your credit reward: BOINK#2697 Chiswell#2839

Thank you for the request! Smile 

Now, for Smucc's evidence, I will let someone higher decide what happens with those.


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