Oceanic Servers
DUCK (Sanber#9093) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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DUCK (Sanber#9093) | Unban Request - duck - 20-05-2021

Name: DUCK

SteamID or Discord ID: Sanber#9093

Type of Ban: Discord

Which Server?: Discord

Why were you banned?: called 13 a crybaby in esa

Why should you be unbanned?: Hello, Senior Admins,

i understood that i was on a "tight leash" but i felt that it was necessary that 13 knew he was a crybaby at that moment. chiswell we are best friends so u have to unban me =), otherwise i won't invite u to my birthday party this year (we will be eating ice cream cake).

Warm regards, Maricel.

RE: DUCK (Sanber#9093) | Unban Request - boink - 20-05-2021

Denied re appeal in two weeks.