Oceanic Servers
choomah (pro glue/petrol huffer#9756) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: choomah (pro glue/petrol huffer#9756) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=3343)

choomah (pro glue/petrol huffer#9756) | Unban Request - AutoMann - 24-04-2021

Name: choomah

SteamID or Discord ID: pro glue/petrol huffer#9756

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: doxxing

Why should you be unbanned?: it been month

RE: choomah (pro glue/petrol huffer#9756) | Unban Request - chiswell - 24-04-2021

Yeah and you can wait longer since you really arent giving a real reason.

We take doxing extremely seriously

Denied reappeal in a months time and put more effort into the unban request.