Oceanic Servers
dotx worshipper 45 (76561198272700978) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: dotx worshipper 45 (76561198272700978) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=3294)

dotx worshipper 45 (76561198272700978) | Unban Request - kizzle - 03-04-2021

Name: dotx worshipper 45

SteamID or Discord ID: 76561198272700978

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: opening cells early and being a dud

Why should you be unbanned?: Sorry this is a reply to boink closing my thread. He says a 1 month ban is enough however I have a 2 month ban right now, this is why I have requested it to be reduced to a 1 month since a 2 week to 2 month is quite a long jump. Therefore i am requesting my ban be reduced to a month

RE: dotx worshipper 45 (76561198272700978) | Unban Request - Jas8621 - 03-04-2021
