Oceanic Servers
juice (STEAM_1:0:4550867) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: juice (STEAM_1:0:4550867) | Ban Request (/showthread.php?tid=3181)

juice (STEAM_1:0:4550867) | Ban Request - IxKOZ - 08-02-2021

Name: juice

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:119908144

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Time of incident: 7/02/2021 around lunch time

Reason for the ban: Player Juice free killed me twice.
In the first clip as you can see i was lined up on the ABC banner as thats what howlzee's orders were. When i was walking to the next order location i was free killed.
In the secound clip i was orderd to demo the 1 bhop on the top of the cage so i attempted and when i landed i was free killed again by Juice.
I fell this player Juice should be banned for free killing 2 times 1 on a demo and 2 out of the ordinary this is against the rules and is not how you play.
Kind regards Kaezik

Evidence: {FIRST CLIP} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6J3OTP3bco
{SECOUND CLIP} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mPXu6pUPL8

RE: juice (STEAM_1:0:4550867) | Ban Request - gean - 08-02-2021

hello KOZ, after reviewing the clips I look to me that he indeed intentionally free killed you. but you have not got the correct steam ID. if you could please edit this post with the correct steam ID I will ban him Smile

awaiting approval  

contact one of them for a credit reward.