Oceanic Servers
howlze (howlze#7074) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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howlze (howlze#7074) | Unban Request - HOWLZE - 23-12-2020

Name: howlze

SteamID or Discord ID: howlze#7074

Type of Ban: Discord

Which Server?: Discord

Why were you banned?: "In regards to howls, I don't remember why you were banned apart from some vague cheat/dox reason."

Why should you be unbanned?: Look, I admit that I was being a bit rude in my unban request (assuming that's the reason that I was told to reapply in 2 weeks, which is such a small amount in comparison to the ban period that it doesn't really matter). I hadn't even been back on Jailbreak when I wrote that, I hadn't even spoken to most of the staff. I just thought it would be funny. Because let's be honest, taking this shit as seriously as some of you think it has to be is a fucking joke. I really hate to pull this card... but it's an online game. You're not even getting paid. If Domination Servers inexplicably disappeared tomorrow, it's unlikely that your lives would experience any detriment. You might even be happier.

Maybe I came in thinking that I would immediately dislike staff, once bitten twice shy I suppose, but contrary to this I've actually come to like a lot of the *newer* staff. Unlike some people, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong - and I was wrong about my assumptions. They don't have undersized cocks, no. They have normal sized cocks. Some of them might even have large cocks, I don't fucking know. Why am I talking about the penis size of staff in my unban request? Because I don't take it seriously man!

I don't even hate Turtle despite his obviously shallow arguments that seem to stack up against all odds. I don't mind the guy, really. When I've spoken to him he seems like an alright bloke. I don't have to say this often because most people just understand... but it's simply un-malicious banter. I mean if you guys can't catch onto banter, I don't what to tell you. Do you even live in Australia?

I've rattled on about how all of this doesn't really matter. Unban me, don't unban me. It's up to you at the end of the day, and if you don't it's no biggie. I'm also pretty sure this is the longest discord ban in the DS server that has had a denied appeal, and for what, "doxxing" with zero evidence? Who the fuck did I doxx man? I don't even know how to find that shit. I mean I literally care so little anymore that I forgot that I made an appeal and accidentally waited over a month and a half instead of 2 weeks. I imagine you are all synchronically giggling at this appeal in a staff-only discord call or whatever so I'll leave you with this for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A.


RE: howlze (howlze#7074) | Unban Request - BigDucky - 27-12-2020

Hey you have been unbanned thanks