Oceanic Servers
J money (J-Money#6552) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: J money (J-Money#6552) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=3001)

J money (J-Money#6552) | Unban Request - Dr. J-money (CRAB PEOPLE) - 27-11-2020

Name: J money

SteamID or Discord ID: J-Money#6552

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: So this isnt about my galipoli ban, this is about another stupid thing i did which i didnt know i would get automatic perm ct ban, i went on another account and tried to join ct once and it didnt let me because i didnt have more than 10 hours thank god so i just played on t with it, but it still registered my account, i get it ive been an absolute troll over these past months, im just coming off a ct ban and i thought that was it. really stuffed up here, ive really fucked up

Why should you be unbanned?: i should be unbanned cause i did say i was gonna stop and reform and stop being a troll and i had no idea it would be an automatic, panda and gean were on the server and even though it is a serious matter i was never going to actually try and play ct on a 2nd account only for laughs. If whoever is reading this could please undo it as panda and gean were on the server and can verify i was only joking.

thank you

for the record i am really sorry and this doesent excuse my actions beforehand i really wanna ct and ive completely learnt my lesson from the previous encounters.

Oh and this was when i was banned for gallipoli cause i was frustrated, i 100% deserve a mouthful for it

RE: J money (J-Money#6552) | Unban Request - Badank Badang - 02-12-2020

Your account has been unbanned, Try not to let this happen again as it will be a lot less likely to be unbanned. Your ban has expired on your main so you should be fine to join CT now.

