Oceanic Servers
Ct Guide - Printable Version

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Ct Guide - Arrow - 26-10-2020

The CT Guide. (List Of JB Games.)
This guide is meant to be used so new players can learn to become a better warden.
I feel as though there not enough guides for new players to get better. more just get thrown into jb and watch others which is sometimes overwhelming for new players.

Your main goal as warden is to control the t’s in a manner where you get as many games played with a small amount of people rebelling. Your goal is to make rounds run smoothly whist also getting T's to play fun games.
As warden it is important to give clear and concise orders. Not to be so nazi (trigger happy, uptight) and control the round. Map games are the entire premise of jailbreak so it is your job to get as many played as possible and get a t to !lr. 
Below are a list of non map games you can use to make your wardening more fun.

> (games to play only with a small amount of t’s left)
- (games to play with lots of t’s)

No staff:

- Mass trivia: make sure enough questions are said for t’s killed to be less then 10. t’s are kept in an area and only allowed to leave if they answer a trivia question correctly, enough questions to kill less then 10, t’s who answer first correctly survive.

- Hot potato: used with bomb, t's spread out (but close to other t's) in a area with a bomb. T's are to toss the bomb to other t's within a set time limit. T's cannot pass to the same person that threw to them. As T's die, you can let them move in closer. 

> Guess The Mag: Ct shoots weapon randomly and t's guess how many are in the current mag. Closest wins, the rest die.

- Cha Cha Slide Day: Warden gets T's to line up in an open area preferably on a yellow and black line for reference. someone will play the cha cha slide song through their microphone or on a soundboard. a demo will be given showing that you need to follow the steps of the song, if they go the wrong way ot dont jump for example they die. this is basically a 1 game day as it takes up alot of time and mainly played just for the fun. *guns are usually given at the game depending on how many you kill*

> Race: first one to reach a certain areas/object in a map. (Don’t mic delay when doing so, *say go in chat* or *when this grenade goes off*)

- Rhyme Game: CT starts of with one word, for example "lime". T's then take turn in rotation listing words that rhyme with that word. If you say a word that doesn't rhyme or a word that has been said before you die.

- Ship Shack Shore: played on a soccer field. CT’s explain that each area of the field is labelled either, ship shack shore. Last player to reach the destination dies. See image attached as reference

> Guess The Song: Ct plays a song into there microphone (please have good quality smh) first person to guess the song wins) 

- Cage 1 bhop or 0 bhop: send T's to cage. Fall off you die. Send t's to jump past the yellow and black like in 1 hop. Prehops needed. Call out 3 by 3. Good for weeding out less skilled players

> Bounces on soccer ball: played on soccer field. CT’s count amount of jumps a t can get on a soccer ball with physics on.

Staff game: 

> Bomb Toss: Staff give t’s bombs(c4). Furthest throw in a certain direction wins. (Be sure to specify no vip,bhops or custom rules)

> freeze slap game: (played near somewhere you can surf on or take no fall damage), you setup t’s in  an area. staff freezes t’s, slaps a few times. When unfrozen, the t’s fly in the air and have to survive. 

- Smoke day: (have to be no resellers) t’s are in a  medium size inclosed location, t’s are given smokes. Whoever survives… survives.

- BullRush: usually played in cell area. A ct is given Max health and only has a knife. T’s run past/through the ct. the ct has to kill as many t’s as possible. But cannot move out of a outline made by gunshots. 

- Murder in the Dark: t’s are put into a small room. A ct is given max health and blinded. The ct then goes into the room and has to kill 10 or lower t’s.

- Blind knife ff: t’s are put into a small room. Friendly fire is toggled, t’s are blinded, and start killing.

- drugged knife ff:  t’s are put into a small room. Friendly fire is toggled, t’s are drugged, and start killing.

If you have any other fun games you have been apart of feel free to mention them below. still a wip i will add them
staff games being played depends on alot of factors. If they are admin rank or higher (ff). If CT's have not won a round yet. If there a rebellers, stuff like smoke day cant happen.
thanks for reading.

RE: Ct Guide - Ozai - 26-10-2020

I like the concept, would be cool to have a semi official 'how to not be a retarded ct' guide for sure.

RE: Ct Guide - phanta - 26-10-2020


RE: Ct Guide - Arrow - 26-10-2020

welp imma jump in a hole