Oceanic Servers
dash (76561199082255651 ) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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dash (76561199082255651 ) | Unban Request - Big Dash - 01-09-2020

Name: dash

SteamID or Discord ID: 76561199082255651

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Doxxing

Why should you be unbanned?: Hey guys! Hope you guys are all staying safe during quarantine. Its been a while. 158 days to be exact. In these long 158 days I have had a great opportunity to reflect on myself, how I act, how I speak, how I live my life. Domination servers was a big part of my life prior to my ban. I've actually gotten myself a life believe it or not. I would like to be "unbanned" as in given the all clear to play on the server again on a new account so I can prove to admins that I am no longer a "nuisance to the server" and I can be a member of the community again. Under guidance and guidelines of Staff members and higher ups. I am willing to learn and change even more in the future, own up to future mistakes and listen to advice and rules. Looking forward to hearing back from you guys soon!

RE: dash (76561199082255651 ) | Unban Request - BigDucky - 01-09-2020

Hi Dash,

We have decided to reduce your ban so that it expires in 1 month from now. This will be on your main account STEAM_1:0:159099619, after your long list of breaking our rules including doxxing, ear raping on ct, mute evading, ban evading, intentional dud, ct team killing, spreading ms, we dont believe you deserve a fresh start and there is no good reason why you should have one. Your play style up until now has discouraged the fun of everyone on the server, you have intentionally seeked ways to ruin it for any player involved and you've continuously been a nuisance for our staff.

I need you to be well aware that you will be under very close watch, any rule breaking we see from you on the server/discord and your permanent ban will be instated with no chance at appealing.
Reduced to 1 month.