Oceanic Servers
sj (76561199070629635) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: sj (76561199070629635) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2796)

sj (76561199070629635) | Unban Request - Slim (2) - 30-08-2020

Name: sj

SteamID or Discord ID: 76561199070629635

Type of Ban: Mute/Gag

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Got silenced for a day for apparently leaking a code to a map secret, I tried the number i said on the code lock and it didn't work. Went to admin chat to question the silence and then I got silenced for a week because 'I was lying about not knowing about the map secret', I have not been playing this server for long, and the admins kept telling me i was 'bullshitting'.

Why should you be unbanned?: Because the supposed code i said in chat wasn't even correct, and I wasn't lying because I'm new and i literally had no idea.

RE: sj (76561199070629635) | Unban Request - Jas8621 - 30-08-2020

You were bullshitting and still are. However during the course of our discussion you seemed to have learnt a lesson and I reduced the silence from a week to one day which has since expired. In future dont get caught in a lie and then continue to bullshit once you've been called on it it will just end with further escelating punishments. Oh and don't reveal map secrets whether they be current/past or the like.

Silence expired