Oceanic Servers
BIG BROLLIC BLACK DUDE (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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BIG BROLLIC BLACK DUDE (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - addison rae - 22-08-2020


SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:463235848

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: Vent camping and perma because other ctbans

Why should you be unbanned?: Re-appeal of https://forums.dominationservers.com/showthread.php?tid=2282
It's been almost 5 months since my appeal, and I haven't really played jb consistently since my ban. I will restate my appeal. Before the ban (i got banned for vent camping) i had been ctbanned for 2 months in which i hadnt really played jb. I knew the rules well enough which is what i thought, but i was really stupid and hadn't fully read the rules. I misinterpreted the rule of vent camping as to it being camping in a vent and waiting for Ts. I now have fully read the rules from https://forums.dominationservers.com/showthread.php?tid=6 and won't commit another offence. I have no intention to ruin the fun for other players or not follow rules and create chaos anymore. It's been a long time since I've played and i just read over the rules so they are fresh in my mind and I won't be a nuisance any more. It's up to you whether you want to unban me, ban me for a temporary time or just ignore this re-appeal. Thank you.

RE: BIG BROLLIC BLACK DUDE (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - BigDucky - 22-08-2020

Hi, since you've actually put some effort into this and you have made it this far without ban evading I will reduce your ban so that it expires on the 1st of next month. Because you have been away for such a long time I heavily suggest playing T until you refamiliarize yourself with the rules before joining CT.

Please be aware that you will be kept under close watch, any little dud move that breaks the rules like flashing non rebellings Ts or freewounding on purpose and your permanent ban will be reinstated.