Oceanic Servers
m a p l e (STEAM_1:0:458785444) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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m a p l e (STEAM_1:0:458785444) | Unban Request - m a p l e - 20-08-2020

Name: m a p l e

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:458785444

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: It was my 12th ban on ct. The ban in question was playing Simon says which is a banned game.

Why should you be unbanned?: I have been perm banned for about 4 and a half months from ct and i guess the experience has been abit humbling. Having to play with cts who play illegal games gets pretty annoying and distruptive and I can see why there needs to be enforcement for it. I asked mods whether there was a chance I could be unbanned or the ban be shortened and they said it wouldnt hurt to give it a go. I also understand if you guys wish not to unban me, as how some people put it my history is abit "hectic". I really would like to get back on as I play mostly server 2 and believe I can be one of those players that others can learn from to become good cts aswell. Whatever the conclusion is I appreciate the time taken to read this and hope yall have a good day.

RE: m a p l e (STEAM_1:0:458785444) | Unban Request - PorkyBear - 20-08-2020

You have been intentionally free killing and team killing, breaking vents as CT, playing banned games (more than 5 times), Baiting T's, CT smoking, and ban evading. This has all been done in around 500 hours on our servers.

This is your 12th CT ban.

You will not be unbanned.
