Oceanic Servers
Immortal (Immortalツ#3543) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Immortal (Immortalツ#3543) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2777)

Immortal (Immortalツ#3543) | Unban Request - Immortalツ - 18-08-2020

Name: Immortal

SteamID or Discord ID: Immortalツ#3543

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: I was on an alt account and was banned for being nazi. I did not notice that I was banned on my alt until I was banned for having a duplicate account (this account).

Why should you be unbanned?: I have been banned on my other account but I am still not able to be ct. I have learnt and reflected on my mistakes and will try to become a better ct.

RE: Immortal (Immortalツ#3543) | Unban Request - Anthonyy - 19-08-2020

First of all not sure why you put your discord ID when you are appealing a CTBan. Anyways, I've reduced your ban from permanent to 2 days. If this happens again we won't be so lenient.