Oceanic Servers
Skam (STEAM_1:0:74345004) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Skam (STEAM_1:0:74345004) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2555)

Skam (STEAM_1:0:74345004) | Unban Request - Skam - 05-06-2020

Name: Skam

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:74345004

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Logged into the server for the first time and was instantly banned for BAN: Duplicate account STEAM_1:0:520205830.

Why should you be unbanned?: I've no affiliation to the steam profile under that ID. I believe this must be some server error.

RE: Skam (STEAM_1:0:74345004) | Unban Request - ONIONZZZ - 06-06-2020

Were you using a VPN at the time?