Oceanic Servers
Marauda (Marauda#8885) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Marauda (Marauda#8885) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2550)

Marauda (Marauda#8885) | Unban Request - marauda - 31-05-2020

Name: Marauda

SteamID or Discord ID: Marauda#8885

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: I want to be honest because of how much I enjoy playing this server. Easy answer is yes, I was using bhop scripts. I sincerely apologize for my stupid behaviour I know I shouldn't have done it and I have no excuses.

Why should you be unbanned?: I extremely regret my decisions and would love to play on Domination Servers again. It's been a little while since I've been banned but I realize why I played so much JB on domination servers. It is the best AU/NZ jailbreak server and I would love to feel the joy I had whilst I played on your servers. I love the community, the admins and just how well the server runs. I hope that you take my appeal into consideration, and if you do I am forever grateful for your mercy on a random no namer.

RE: Marauda (Marauda#8885) | Unban Request - boink - 01-06-2020

Hi Marauda,

I appreciate your honesty, but considering the ban is fairly recent I will have to deny your appeal today as it is too soon to let you back on the servers.

You may re-appeal in a month.
