Oceanic Servers
sjkuksee (STEAM_1:1:439532714) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: sjkuksee (STEAM_1:1:439532714) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2549)

sjkuksee (STEAM_1:1:439532714) | Unban Request - sjkuksee - 31-05-2020

Name: sjkuksee

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:439532714

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: 'Bunnyhopping' and using this as an advantage

Why should you be unbanned?: To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to validate that the utilization of 'Bunnyhopping' occurred on the account by my brother, he has recently revealed this information to me as I was completely unaware and very enraged to hear that he has been using my account without my knowledge... however I only have myself to blame since I leave my account details next to my computer on a sticky note as I do not have a great memory and this allows me to login simply (as my brother has shown). I have deleted my brother's downloaded 'bhop' script and blocked all sites/urls that contained the words 'csgo hack , bhop '

This very so occurred last year... Although my brother and I want to play on your server again. Clearly I have exchanged words with my brother explaining that what he did was wrong and that he can never use my account again because this led to the closure of my brother and I joining the server in which I am greatly upset about. Being able to play in your amazing server brings me great joy and I wish to continue to that by gaining access to jailbreak servers to be able to play again.

I now no longer keep my account details on my desk and I shall have to get used to remembering my password, I take full responsibility of my account and that my own laziness has lead to this but I hope to be able to be given a chance to play again. I understand if this appeal is denied. I shall try again soon later.


RE: sjkuksee (STEAM_1:1:439532714) | Unban Request - ONIONZZZ - 31-05-2020

Wow, how very convenient. Talk to an @Operator on Discord and be prepared to have you and your "brother" ready to talk through your mic.

RE: sjkuksee (STEAM_1:1:439532714) | Unban Request - ONIONZZZ - 31-05-2020
