Oceanic Servers
vanillaicey (1vanillaicey#9139) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: vanillaicey (1vanillaicey#9139) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2546)

vanillaicey (1vanillaicey#9139) | Unban Request - vanillaicer - 29-05-2020

Name: vanillaicey

SteamID or Discord ID: 1vanillaicey#9139

Type of Ban: Discord

Which Server?: Discord

Why were you banned?: i was banned for streaming nudity (very blurry penis)

Why should you be unbanned?: sorry for streaming that type of material i'm sure that none of the people in the call would've been affected
i understand it is against discord ToS and i own up to doing it 100%, i'd like to vibe and chill with some of people i've met. i understand if their will be restrictions on me streaming.
i'd like to say that their was a trusted and another staff in the call and they didnt say anything about the video i showed people. i was scrolling through twitter and watched the video and i saw nudity and people saw it and told me to play it again.
sorry for what i did though it was pretty dumb i dont mind being not being able to play on the tournament as it is all my fault.

RE: vanillaicey (1vanillaicey#9139) | Unban Request - Anthonyy - 07-06-2020

Denied. Re-apply in a week.