Oceanic Servers
Synbol on wii sports (Synbol#9873) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Synbol on wii sports (Synbol#9873) | Unban Request - Synbol - 01-04-2020

Name: Synbol on wii sports

SteamID or Discord ID: Synbol#9873

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: I was banned for revealing map secrets I believe. I was also banned because a few days after my ban I tried to join with another account. I just wanted to get back on the server

Why should you be unbanned?: I would like to be unbanned because every the over the past few weeks I have been missing jailbreak quite a lot. I let some random dude influence my decision making and convinced me that the decisions I was making were right. After I was banned I took quite a few months off gaming to work on myself as a person and who I am. I have cut connections to a lot of those bad influences but I am still trying to improve, I understand if my appeal gets denied but I miss the community. I've seen a lot of old videos popping up in my recommended and miss the good times. 

I also only joined on a different account because at the time I just wanted to play on the server but it detected me as another account. Sorry, I know this is ban evading and it's on the rules but although I regret my decision. I am glad I got banned in a sense. I was able to grow as a person and learn my boundaries and my limits. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. 

Anyway, thanks for reading this even if it gets denied.

P. S The edit was just a grammatical error and added one thing

RE: Synbol on wii sports (Synbol#9873) | Unban Request - teajae - 02-04-2020


I believe you have waited enough time and would of learnt your lesson, and thanks for admitting to the attempts to ban evade.


You will be kept watch on for 2 weeks any similar activities to your original ban can and will lead to a ban again.
