Oceanic Servers
Nullify (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199033281597/) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Nullify (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199033281597/) | Unban Request - Nullify - 23-03-2020

Name: Nullify

SteamID or Discord ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199033281597/

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Killing yert because he delayed was nazi.
Even if it was a freekill wouldnt you just slay me?
Because 1 freekill doesnt equal a 7 day ban
Chiswell pls provide videos of me being nazi previous of the kill on yert
wouldnt you of give me a warning or slayed me if i was being nazi before?

Why should you be unbanned?: I killed him because he was delaying and chiswell will say i was nazi before that but can he pls show footage of me doing that and why didnt he slay or give me a warning for being nazi if i was. I think maybe because he is an admin they are saying this as i see other ban requests and the tiniest delay for a ban request and u will oh he delayed. If it was a non admin i think this would play out differently.
Here is the video of him delaying and ban requests show the tiniest delay and say oh it is ok to kill him so watch it if it was a ban request.
As you can see many other delayed but i simply couldnt kill them without freewounding others as a ban request i have seen before you have said it is all about the situation the person is in
Also i dont know how i was baiting when cells werent even open?

RE: Nullify (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199033281597/) | Unban Request - chiswell - 23-03-2020

Hi Nullify,

The reason you were banned was because of your major dudness throughout the whole of blackops map, going up the middle stairs to be ultra nazi on the Ts that were just off the ABC banner. I had witness you being super nazi on black ops and the maps before. I did warn you not to be nazi. I slayed you to start off with as me n other staff discussed your kill on Yert. Then i checked your recent CT bans and you had been just unbanned the same day for nazi'ness so this seems to be a habit for you. For this case your unban request will be Denied. 

Because this is a habit that seems to come from you. as well as you being an absolute dud on CT and nuisance in admin chat. Wait out your ban and learn not to be so kill hungry