Oceanic Servers
CripKiller (CripKiller#8670) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: CripKiller (CripKiller#8670) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2234)

CripKiller (CripKiller#8670) | Unban Request - CripKiller - 22-03-2020

Name: CripKiller

SteamID or Discord ID: CripKiller#8670

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: Because of a duplicate account, another one was a mate that had a skin-changer used on it

Why should you be unbanned?: I am really dumb for what I did and it will never happen again I just want to go back and have fun on the server I know that even if I do get unbanned it will probably not be for a while and I'm sorry for doing what I did if i dont get unbanned.

RE: CripKiller (CripKiller#8670) | Unban Request - BigDucky - 22-03-2020


The duplicate account that is linked to you was banned for bhop cheats which we do not allow, if you are applying to get unbanned dont lie and waste our time.
Best be honest next time.

Do not reapply within atleast 1 months from now. Closed.

RE: CripKiller (CripKiller#8670) | Unban Request - Qazza - 22-03-2020

So...... I've reviewed the reason your 'mates' account got banned and it looks like your 'mate' was most likely lying to you why he got banned as it seems he was banned not because of a skin changer like you said but due to him being a "really good" bhopper. You most likely will not get unbanned I would however recommend waiting at least 1 month before re-applying to be unbanned. Thank you for your request. Also to note if you are genuinely trying to get unbanned I recommend hoping onto the discord and participating as a community member there and gaining some reputation in the discord, and maybe just maybe there could be a chance you could talk to members higher up such as myself or people higher where we can verbally communicate to you and discuss the situation. For you to be able to discuss with us the situation this could possibly lead to an unban but not until after you have gained some "respect" points in the community, this means behaving on the discord and not being a nuisance. 

Unban denied, follow my recommendations Smile 
- sign Qazza