Oceanic Servers
bruvv (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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bruvv (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - addison rae - 20-03-2020

Name: bruvv

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:463235848

Type of Ban: Mute/Gag

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Why were you banned?: So I was playing on skylight S2, and it was the first round and open day, and I was minding my business and I kind of remembered the ms code that was a while back (like a month or two back, but has since been changed). I decided to blurt this out in the chat not knowing if it was even the correct code (correct from back then) and yeah.

Why should you be unbanned?: got silenced for a day, and then later i got silenced for a week. when i asked why, he said because its not the first time. it was only my second time though. and i did not actually say the actual MS code (which i do not know), and i did not say it with intention of people reading it and using it.
btw, person that silenced me was boink
im not sure if other admins will have the same opinion as boink or not, but please understand this from a neutral perspective.
i am not asking for a full unsilence, if you decide to you can, but i think it would be reasonable to silence me for 1 day to 3 days maybe instead of a week.

RE: bruvv (STEAM_1:0:463235848) | Unban Request - Jas8621 - 20-03-2020

After looking over your account it is very clear to me that you have no intent on playing by the rules. 11 CT bans prior to this event. The fact you had 11 CT bans prior shows me you have an overwhelming lack of care for the rules and for the player base.

With the above in mind it does not matter what your intent is when revealing map secrets as the result is the same. Map secrets are supposed to be a fun easter egg players who invest themselves into the community can learn and encourage them to return. It's not much fun when your just told it by randoms on the server thinking they are cool.

You were already punished for this action the first time and a one day commban and Ctban is quite light. As you are a repeat offender you have shown that you cannot be trusted to use your communications in a manner that is respectful to the rules and so you have had that privilege removed. 
I will not remove nor reduce this commban as it is 100% justified.

Next time you are caught revealing map secrets in any capacity you will either be silenced removed from the community indefinitely consider this your last warning.
