Oceanic Servers
GigaJew (I don't know) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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GigaJew (I don't know) | Ban Request - lumpy - 15-03-2020

Name: GigaJew

SteamID or Discord ID: I don't know

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Time of incident: 9:00pm AEST, Round 7, Skylight.

Reason for the ban: Intentionally ordering all T's to gunroom.

Evidence: If you check demos, you can clearly see him ordering t's to enter gunroom, making ct's open the door, and killing t's who do not go in the gun room.

RE: GigaJew (I don't know) | Ban Request - zackie - 15-03-2020

Already investigated and banned by me. thanks