Oceanic Servers
MonkeyMan (STEAM_1:1:124859060) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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MonkeyMan (STEAM_1:1:124859060) | Unban Request - MonkeyMan - 08-03-2020

Name: MonkeyMan

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:124859060

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Zonical thought I was vent camping which I was clearly not

Why should you be unbanned?: I went into the vent to clear the vent when the cells opened. At no point did I stop and wait for the t's to drop which would be vent camping. I kept moving forward clearing the vent. when other t's came in made sure to wait and give them warning shots as I was continuously moving forward. I made it clear for them to stop otherwise it would be a rush but they kept coming. I killed two then continued clearing the vent. and it was fine. This definitely does not deserve a 4-month ban let alone a ban at all.

RE: MonkeyMan (STEAM_1:1:124859060) | Unban Request - ZoNiCaL - 08-03-2020

Alright, let me add in the part you missed out.

After watching back the incident several times at quarter speed, this is mainly what I noticed:

There were some parts in the vent where you unnecessarily lingered for a few seconds. One of these instances, you stopped briefly to reload, turned to face backwards, and moved forward back around the corner to get a better chance at killing the T's. While it's not against the rules to walk facing backwards, these unnecessary stops are. As a CT, you should be continuously moving forward in the vent, not stopping at all, and going back forward.

Now, this is the part where (I get memed on for the rest of my life) I will admit that I did fuck up slightly here in giving you a ban as I misspoke to a senior admin about your ban history, instead of saying your last ban was a one month, I said two. They told me to give you a 4 month ban as your punishment. Because of this, I will take down your ban to two months as per guidelines. I apologize for this happening and I will take better action to make sure this doesn't happen again.

However, don't let that think that you got off scott-free here. Your two months will remain in place, and your next major dud CTBan will be a permanent one. Take these two months (before a future appeal) to seriously learn the rules, otherwise this will happen to you. A person with 141 hours should know better by know, especially one with 7 CTBans (1 before from me exactly 1 month ago for you vent camping and freekilling).

Denied, Accepted? IDFK.
You may appeal the two month ban in 1 months time.

RE: MonkeyMan (STEAM_1:1:124859060) | Unban Request - Anthonyy - 08-03-2020

After discussing the ban we've decided to remove it.