Oceanic Servers
Dustin2k ( STEAM_1:1:526184994) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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Dustin2k ( STEAM_1:1:526184994) | Unban Request - Casper - 02-03-2020

Name: Dustin2k

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:526184994

Type of Ban: CTBan

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: I was banned for baiting,flashing non rebelling t’s, nazi and dud behaviour.

Why should you be unbanned?: For baiting if a demo/clip is available I was running around middle cells then suddenly froze (due to alt tab) I came back just as cells opened and quickly ran out without a t knifing me so I don’t believe this mistake effected the round. As for the flash was a genuine misclick as I came back from talking to family members. In regard to nazi I believe my actions for killing t’s and shooting one straying off path to knife cts was justified. I believe I do commit dud behaviours but none that warrant a long ban. I believe my ban at best should be reduced as I have waited out around a quarter- half the ban and feel like I have learnt my lesson. I will prove that I have changed since the past events of my time on this server. Since my ban I have decided not to be retarded because I am at the age where I should be setting an example for other players on the server.

RE: Dustin2k ( STEAM_1:1:526184994) | Unban Request - BigDucky - 03-03-2020

Hi Dustin,
I'm going to deny this unban request for a few reasons but I'll first address your justifications and reasons why you think it was an unfair ban.

For the alt tab, if you know you are going to freeze due to alt tabbing you know yourself that one, you shouldn't do it in the first place especially as a CT in the middle of a round and two, right in the middle of cell area. Even if you didn't know you were going to freeze, someone with the amount of hours you have know how fast rounds can quickly turn by taking your eye off the ball.

And for the flash, while it may be on accident, this is easily avoidable by not slapping mouse1 when you sit down, or if you were alt tabbed just tab back into the game instead of clicking.
Do note for this, on one of your alt accounts you have a CT ban for repeatedly CT flashing.

Another admin also mentioned how you trained your mouse on a specific player and shot into a stack then say "oops freewound" as if it wasn't on purpose,
Even if we ignore these, on the server and on discord you have been a continuous dud on purpose,
Only took you 5 days after a mass freekill to get another CT ban, many of which your CT bans are intentional dud indicating you know the rules and break them on purpose. All these CT bans you have, discord bans, ban evading, mute evading, talking about doxes, you still continue to be a nuisance for everyone involved, staff aswell as our players.
Taking into consideration the amount of hours and bans you have, its clear you're either continuously breaking the rules on purpose or just refuse to learn so I see no reason to unban you right now.
Smarten up, your next CT ban may be alot longer than 2 months.

Please wait out the rest of your ban,