Oceanic Servers
whippo mode™ STEAM_1:0:518360085) | Unban - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: whippo mode™ STEAM_1:0:518360085) | Unban (/showthread.php?tid=2042)

whippo mode™ STEAM_1:0:518360085) | Unban - whippo mode - 31-01-2020

Name: whippo mode™

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:0:518360085 Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: I was testing out bhop and aimbot scripts to show my friends then I loaded into the server I'm not sure exactly if this is why I was banned. But it also might have been from duplicate accounts

Why should you be unbanned?: I have now deleted the scripts from my pc and made a new fresh account with no VACs but i am still banned. May i please have a second chance as your server is the only good jailbreak server. And I am very sorry. PS. im pretty sure im baned on all domination servers now, but i havent checked.

thank you

RE: whippo mode™ STEAM_1:0:518360085) | Unban - Jas8621 - 31-01-2020

This is not the only time you have attempted to ban evade since you were banned.
[Image: f7a127d975.png]
If you had've been upfront at the start you would have gotten off alot lighter then you have. To this day you still canno't tell the whole truth and due to this I am 
Your appeal please reapply in a month and if you have not continued to ban evade we will consider an unban.