Oceanic Servers
gilbert (STEAM_1:1:435716809) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: gilbert (STEAM_1:1:435716809) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=2039)

gilbert (STEAM_1:1:435716809) | Unban Request - kl0wn - 30-01-2020

Name: gilbert

SteamID or Discord ID: STEAM_1:1:435716809

Type of Ban: Server

Which Server?: Jailbreak #1

Why were you banned?: Using b-hop scripts.

Why should you be unbanned?: It was a bad decision of mine to use b-hop scripts on the server and this ban has made me rethink my actions and I know I will never do it again. I no longer use b-hop scripts as I do not want my account (now my main) banned. I have been banned for 4 months and would really like to start playing on the server again.

RE: gilbert (STEAM_1:1:435716809) | Unban Request - Jas8621 - 30-01-2020

After time served we will unban you. However if you are seen using any form of Bhop assistance you will have your ban re-instated with no chance of unban.