Oceanic Servers
Dig and Birb - Printable Version

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Dig and Birb - Slicer - 27-01-2020

Name: Dig and Birb

SteamID or Discord ID: Dig: STEAM_0:1:244560401 Birb: ?

Which Server?: Jailbreak #2

Time of incident: 10:35

Reason for the ban: Reason: Massy. Even after we were being shot, no one knew what corner they meant. No one was trying to rebel. The order wasnt followed because it wasn't clear what corner they meant. Plus, they could have dealt with it much better, maybe refired into the corner, rather than kill us all. The molotov also didnt help. Nothing against Birb and Dig personally, but their ct skills in this case led to all of us being killed, unnecessarily. *in my opinion. Honestly not sure if its  a bannable offence, but it was something I thought needed to be brought to attention.


RE: Dig and Birb (Couldnt find there profiles in time.) | Ban Request - chiswell - 27-01-2020

Birb and Big Mac have been banned for mass freekilling Ts as birb threw a molly into the crowd of Ts and the warden (Big Mac) didnt clarify which corner and joined in on Birb killing you all.

Dig did nothing wrong from what i could see in what you clipped?

Please contact an Op for your reward


RE: Dig and Birb - Slicer - 27-01-2020

not to sure if it was dig or big mac. my bad. I thought dig was the warden.

RE: Dig and Birb - tobiia - 28-01-2020
