Oceanic Servers
brazzers.com (STEAM_1:1:76526254) | Unban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: brazzers.com (STEAM_1:1:76526254) | Unban Request (/showthread.php?tid=1954)

brazzers.com (STEAM_1:1:76526254) | Unban Request - brazzers - 14-01-2020

Name: brazzers.com

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:76526254

Server or CTBan: Server

Why were you banned?: it says i was banned for being a duplicate account

Why should you be unbanned?: This is my only account the only 2 reasons i can think of me being banned was because i had a vpn on or i was joking around being azirity. Please unban me i know i did nothing wrong so i think i deserve an unban.

RE: brazzers.com (STEAM_1:1:76526254) | Unban Request - teajae - 14-01-2020



Please avoid using VPN's in the future as it increases you chances to be linked to banned accounts.
