Oceanic Servers
matty bee (STEAM_1:0:68885066) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: matty bee (STEAM_1:0:68885066) | Ban Request (/showthread.php?tid=1944)

matty bee (STEAM_1:0:68885066) | Ban Request - Lagsalot - 12-01-2020

Name: matty bee

SteamID: STEAM_1:0:68885066

Server: jb 2

Time of incident: 8:00pm

Reason for the ban: false kosed me (again) leading to me being freekilled

Evidence: round 3 wazza s2

round 4 is also a freekill on me

round 7 aswell

RE: matty bee (STEAM_1:0:68885066) | Ban Request - BigDucky - 12-01-2020

MattyBee has been CT banned thanks,
contact Anthonyy either in game or on discord to receive your credit reward.
