Oceanic Servers
my dad beats me help (STEAM_1:1:202279635) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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my dad beats me help (STEAM_1:1:202279635) | Ban Request - nebula - 12-01-2020

Name: my dad beats me help

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:202279635

Server: Jailbreak #2

Time of incident: 2020/01/12 01:01:34-1:38am

Reason for the ban: Clearly threatening to freekill me as well as extreme nazi and a few freekills as well as harrassment

Evidence: demo on 2020/01/12 01:01:34am on stylez in the later rounds there is lots of evidence of this, it is hard to pinpoint as there is so much shit they did but it definitely is in there.

RE: my dad beats me help (STEAM_1:1:202279635) | Ban Request - chiswell - 12-01-2020

Ok Nebula - time to teach you whats wrong with this report and why you wont be getting a credit report and how you can improve to help us better in the future.

1. giving me time of when the rules being broken occurred does not help me at all, neither does just telling me to watch a full 40 min+ DEMO. Please learn to watch demo's yourself and clip the rule breaks yourself. If you are going to direct us to watch the demo then please get the rounds for me so i can just skip to them.
2. Make sure you are reporting the RIGHT person, the person who was targeted freekilling you was boltz, i did not see a single freekill from the CT you have reported - one round you rushed him, another 2 rounds you either delayed after he repeated the orders 5 times or just didnt go where he was ordering you to. So please make sure you are actually reporting the correct person. "my dad beats me help" has been banned for a different reason on a different demo completely. I have also banned boltz for the targeted freekills.
3. There were no targeted harassment that i saw as well, just told you to stop bitching about being killed - also NO nazi kills that i saw as well.
4. its 1:30 in the fucking morning and there was 3 Ts and 2 CTs on learn to maybe just take a god damn chill pill, yes boltz was breaking the rules by freekilling you a few rounds, i only did it cause he did it in 4 separate rounds, usually a freekill is a slay.

Make sure you report the right person, clip video evidence and uploaded to youtube or whatever so we dont have to sit through a full demo wasting our time.


Good day